Sunday, October 30, 2011 Fourth of 6 Web 2.0 tools

Another digital need is video editing. I intend to use to create a video by assembling music, sound effects, still and or video images. I have no experience, understanding or knowledge of video editing so rank myself at something less than novice; the fear factor is rearing its head. I had thought to use a flip camera to create a video and then edit it online, but I don’t know the tools well enough to select an editing tool and am aware that many sites are blocked by my school board. A list of free and easy video editing tools prepared by Brown (2011) includes:,,,,,,,,, and I had thought to use Animoto because I had heard of it from a colleague but feel it might be limited by using only still images. allows the mixing of video images, sound effects, music, and photos and provides access to free sources for students without personal digital images. Our school board has unblocked YouTube and preparing a video for posting seems like a logical extension of accessing videos on the internet. I feel a video editing tool would engage middle school students connecting to their choice of online entertainment and access to hand held devices with video capability. Byrne (2011) simply states the reason why we should create video in our classroom is engagement, accessibility and community.  I would like to assist students to create a video to add to the library blog or possibly create a video showing the painting of a watercolour.  
(Note: Recent changes may have added video editing to Animoto)

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